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Squiggle Monster



Introducing the Squiggle Monster Virtual Funny Monster Game!

Get ready to dive into a world of fun and excitement with our upcoming Tamagotchi-style game! Available on both smartphones and smart watches, you'll get to care for your very own Squiggle Monster. Feed it, play with it, and watch it grow into the ultimate Squiggle Monster!

In this interactive game, you'll earn rewards and incentives as you nurture and develop your monster. Compete with other players to create the greatest Squiggle Monster and climb the leaderboards. Unlock amazing surprises along the way and showcase your Squiggle Monster's growth and achievements. Stay tuned for more details and get ready to join the Squiggle Monster revolution!

Key Features

  • Care for Your Squiggle Monster: Feed, play, and watch your monster grow every day.
  • Earn Rewards: Gain incentives for playing and nurturing your Squiggle Monster.
  • Compete with Others: Battle for top spots on the leaderboards and showcase your monster's achievements.
  • Interactive Fun: Enjoy extra interactive features that make the game engaging and exciting.

Join us on this squiggly adventure and be part of the Squiggle Monster community!

Squiggle Monster Virtual Funny Monster Game

Once upon a time

Once upon a time in the digital realm of Blockchainia, there lived a quirky and vibrant creature named Squiggle Monster. Unlike the typical monsters that lurked in shadows, Squiggle Monster was a dazzling mix of bright colors and playful patterns, always wiggling and jiggling with excitement. His mission? To bring joy, laughter, and a sprinkle of chaos to the world of cryptocurrencies.

Squiggle Monster
Magical Portal

One fine day, Squiggle Monster discovered a magical portal called the Binance Smart Chain. “Aha!” he exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “This is where I can make my mark!” With a burst of energy, he transformed into SQGL, a BEP20 token, and leapt into the portal.

City Scape

As soon as he landed in the bustling city of Binanceopolis, Squiggle Monster's infectious enthusiasm began to spread. Crypto enthusiasts and traders alike were enchanted by his whimsical charm. He bounced around the city, leaving a trail of colorful tokens in his wake, each one sparking joy and laughter.

Hip Hop Party

The other meme coins, like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, welcomed him with open arms. They threw a grand party, complete with fireworks and music, celebrating the arrival of their new friend. Squiggle Monster quickly became the life of the party, dancing and squiggling with boundless energy.

City View

But Squiggle Monster had bigger dreams. “I want to raise the bar for meme coins,” he declared, standing atop the highest block in the city. “I want to bring fun and fortune to everyone in Blockchainia!”

Enchanted Forest

With that, he embarked on a series of wild adventures, from launching epic marketing campaigns that went viral overnight to organizing community events that united crypto enthusiasts from all corners of the world. His charisma was so magnetic that even serious investors couldn't help but crack a smile and join the fun.


Squiggle Monster's popularity soared, and soon, SQGL tokens were the talk of the town. People traded them not just for profit, but for the sheer joy of being part of something so delightfully quirky. Squiggle Monster had succeeded in his mission — he had raised the bar for meme coins and brought a wave of happiness to Blockchainia.


And so, Squiggle Monster continued to squiggle and wiggle, reminding everyone that in the world of finance and technology, a little bit of fun and a whole lot of squiggles could go a long way. And as he wiggled into the sunset, the entire universe of Blockchainia echoed with laughter, eagerly awaiting the next adventure of their beloved Squiggle Monster.

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Serious Stuff

Squiggle Monster (SQGL) is a BEP20 token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), designed to capitalize on the growing trend of meme coins while offering substantial benefits and structured goals. Here's a detailed synopsis of the token:

Token Overview


  1. Market Penetration: Establish Squiggle Monster as a leading meme coin by leveraging viral marketing and community engagement.
  2. Community Building: Create a strong, vibrant community that actively participates in the growth and promotion of SQGL.
  3. Sustainable Growth: Utilize strategic tokenomics to ensure long-term value and stability for token holders.

Token Distribution

  • Marketing: 6% of the token pool is allocated to marketing efforts, ensuring widespread visibility and adoption.
  • Airdrops: 1% of the token pool is designated for airdrops, incentivizing early adopters and rewarding community engagement.
  • Liquidity: 15% of the token pool is allocated to liquidity, ensuring smooth trading and reducing price volatility.
  • Team: 18% of the token pool is reserved for the team, aligning their interests with the long-term success of the project.
  • ICO and Affiliate Rewards: The remaining tokens are allocated to the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and affiliate rewards, driving initial funding and incentivizing community members to promote SQGL.


  • Affiliate Rewards: Affiliates earn up to 10% rewards for sharing links on social media, incentivizing community-driven growth.
  • Tiered Sales Structure: SQGL is sold in 18 tier rounds, providing a structured and transparent approach to token distribution.
  • Community Engagement: Through airdrops and active marketing, Squiggle Monster fosters a dedicated community, essential for the success of any meme coin.
  • Liquidity and Stability: A significant portion of the token pool is allocated to liquidity, ensuring a stable trading environment.
  • Innovative Marketing: By allocating a substantial portion of tokens to marketing, Squiggle Monster aims to achieve high visibility and adoption rates.


Squiggle Monster (SQGL) is not just another meme coin; it’s a well-structured token with clear goals and strategic benefits. By combining viral marketing, community engagement, and sound tokenomics, SQGL aims to raise the bar in the meme coin space and achieve widespread success and recognition.


Crypto Clash Meme Mayhem Tokenomics


  • Phase 1 | Concept Development, Website, Whitepaper, and Community Building
    • Concept Development: Finalize the concept and vision for Squiggle Monster, including tokenomics, goals, and marketing strategies.
    • Website and Whitepaper: Launch the official website and publish a detailed whitepaper outlining the project's objectives, roadmap, and token distribution plan.
    • Community Building: Begin building an active and engaged community on social media platforms and crypto forums. Conduct AMAs and interact with potential investors to generate interest and buzz around the project.
  • Phase 2 | Seed Sale
    • Launch Seed Sale: Initiate the seed sale phase with 4 rounds of funding. These rounds offer early investors the opportunity to purchase SQGL tokens at the lowest prices.
    • Community Engagement: Maintain high engagement through continuous updates and social media interaction to keep the community informed and excited about the project's progress.
    • Marketing Efforts: Ramp up marketing efforts to attract early investors, leveraging influencer partnerships, crypto news outlets, and targeted advertising campaigns.
  • Phase 3 | Public Sale
    • Launch Public Sale: Begin the public sale phase with 10 rounds of funding. Tokens are sold at gradually increasing prices to incentivize early participation and reward early investors.
    • Mid-ICO Milestone: Host a virtual event midway through the public sale to update the community, address questions, and maintain momentum.
    • Ongoing Marketing: Sustain marketing efforts to drive participation, including additional airdrops, contests, and referral bonuses.
    • Affiliate Program: Promote the affiliate program to encourage community-driven growth by offering up to 10% rewards for sharing referral links.
  • Phase 4 | Token and Liquidity Pool Launch
    • ICO Conclusion: Successfully conclude the ICO after completing all 14 rounds of funding.
    • Token Distribution: Ensure timely and transparent distribution of tokens to investors.
    • Liquidity Provision: Launch the token on the market and establish a liquidity pool, allocating 10% of the liquidity token pool to PancakeSwap DEX to ensure a stable trading environment.
  • Phase 5 | Exchange Listings
    • Tier 1 Exchange Listings: Secure listings on major tier 1 crypto exchanges to enhance liquidity, accessibility, and visibility for SQGL holders using the remaining 90% of the liquidity token pool.
    • Continued Marketing: Maintain aggressive marketing efforts to sustain momentum and attract new users post-ICO.
    • Community and Technical Development: Begin development of any promised technical features or platforms associated with SQGL, and launch new community initiatives.
  • Phase 6 | Ongoing Growth, Expansion and Game
    • Community Initiatives: Continuously launch new initiatives to engage and reward the community, including airdrops and reward systems.
    • Project Expansion: Explore additional use cases, partnerships, and technological advancements to enhance the utility and adoption of SQGL.
    • Feedback Loop: Gather and implement community feedback to improve and evolve the project continuously.
    • Ongoing Marketing: Keep up marketing efforts to expand reach and maintain engagement with the community.
    • Smartphone Game: Develop and launch smartphone game in keeping with the Squiggle Monster meme. 🚀✨

Join the Squiggle Revolution!

Ready to dive into the most colorful and exciting journey in the crypto universe? Squiggle Monster (SQGL) is here to shake things up and bring a splash of joy to your digital wallet. With our vibrant community, irresistible rewards, and a dash of playful chaos, we're not just another token — we're a movement.

So, what are you waiting for? Hop on board, share the fun, and let's squiggle our way to the top! Whether you're a seasoned crypto enthusiast or just getting started, there's a place for you in the Squiggle Monster family. Join us, spread the word, and be a part of something truly extraordinary.

Get your SQGL today and let the squiggling adventure begin! 🚀✨

Squiggle Monster