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Squiggle Monster


Got questions? We've got answers! Dive into our FAQ section to find everything you need to know about Squiggle Monster. Whether you're curious about tokenomics, or how to get started, we've got you covered. Explore our comprehensive FAQ to unlock the secrets of the ultimate meme coin!

And don't forget to stay in the loop! Be sure to subscribe to our Telegram channel for the latest updates, follow us on social media for behind-the-scenes insights, and check out our whitepaper for an in-depth look at our project. Don't miss out on the fun - join the Squiggle Monster community today!

  • What is Squiggle Monster (SQGL)?

    Squiggle Monster (SQGL) is a BEP20 (like ERC20) token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) designed as a meme coin with the goal of raising the bar for meme coins through community engagement, viral marketing, and strategic tokenomics.

  • How can I participate in the Squiggle Monster ICO?

    You can participate in the Squiggle Monster ICO by visiting our official website during the ICO phases. Follow the instructions to register and purchase SQGL tokens during the seed sale and public sale rounds.

  • What are the phases of the Squiggle Monster ICO?

    The ICO is divided into several phases:

    • Phase 1: Concept development, website launch, whitepaper release, and community building.
    • Phase 2: Seed sale with 4 rounds of funding.
    • Phase 3: Public sale with 14 rounds of funding.
    • Phase 4: Launch of the token and liquidity pool after completing all 14 rounds.
    • Phase 5: Listing on tier 1 exchanges.
  • How is the total supply of SQGL tokens distributed?

    • Marketing: 6%
    • Airdrops: 1%
    • Liquidity: 15%
    • Team: 15%
    • ICO and Affiliate Rewards: Remaining tokens
  • What rewards can affiliates earn by promoting Squiggle Monster?

    Affiliates can earn up to 10% rewards for sharing referral links on social media. When someone clicks on the link and purchases SQGL tokens, the affiliate earns a commission.

  • What is the purpose of the liquidity pool?

    The liquidity pool, allocated 15% of the total token supply, ensures a stable trading environment by providing sufficient liquidity for trading SQGL tokens on various exchanges.

  • How can I stay updated on Squiggle Monster’s progress?

    Stay updated by following our official social media channels, joining our community on Telegram, and subscribing to our newsletter on the official X channel.

  • What exchanges will SQGL be listed on?

    We aim to list SQGL on major tier 1 exchanges after the ICO concludes, in addition to the PancakeSwap DEX. Specific exchanges will be announced as we secure listings.

  • What security measures are in place for the ICO?

    We prioritize security by implementing robust smart contract auditing, secure registration processes, and regular security assessments to protect investors and the integrity of the ICO.

  • How can I use SQGL tokens after the ICO?

    After the ICO, SQGL tokens can be traded on supported exchanges, used for staking and governance within the community, and potentially utilized in various future utilities and partnerships as the project expands.